Books and CDs by Diana Lynn BarnesDiana is the author of books and information designed to help women in their struggle with postpartum depression. You can order them here. The Journey to ParenthoodPregnancy is the perfect time for expectant parents to run through a "psychological dress rehearsal" of what life may be like once the baby is born. The Journey to Parenthood: Myths, Reality and What Really Matters answers questions and debunks some of the myths about the journey to parenthood, illustrating how idealistic expectations can clash with the stark realities of pregnancy and the postpartum period. Transition to ParenthoodThis training manual for clinicians and childbirth educators comprehensively covers expectant parent issues, while emphasizing the often ignored psychological and emotional changes that partners may experience. The classes outlined in this training manual are specifically designed to provide couples the opportunity to examine these beliefs and expectations and to help them make the most of this important time of psychological preparation. It offers birthing educators an excellent opportunity to deliver crucial information to families in an easy-to-digest format. $65.00 plus shipping.
Transition to Parenthood CD |